

Medical Consultant Program

Physicians are utilized as "consultants" by the Board's Consumer Protection Unit (CPU) to review incoming complaints. Pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 2220.08, any complaint determined to involve quality of care, before referral to a field office for further investigation, shall be reviewed by a medical consultant with the pertinent education, training, and expertise to evaluate the specific standard of care issues raised by the complaint to determine if further field investigation is required.

In this role, physicians are asked to determine if there is a need for formal investigation by Board investigative staff or if the complaint is resolved by a preliminary review of the medical records and the accompanying physician narrative statement. The consultant is asked to write an opinion with a description to support their recommendation.

Requirements for participating in this program are:

  1. A current, valid and unrestricted medical license issued by the Board or the Medical Board of California with no complaints within the last three years, no pending accusations, or prior enforcement or disciplinary action.
  2. The ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality, provide objective, unbiased evaluations, and the ability to articulate and to legibly document findings.

Desirable qualifications include:

  1. Current, active practice or have been non-active or retired for fewer than five years; or
  2. Minimum of three years in practice; or
  3. Board certified; or
  4. Peer review experience.

Medical consultants are hired on a contract basis. The consultants are not considered to be civil service or "employees" of the Board but instead are considered "independent contractors." As such, the relationship between the medical consultant/independent contractor and the Board may be terminated by either party at any time.

Participating physicians are reimbursed $75 per hour for record review/report preparation. If you are interested in providing medical consultant services to the Osteopathic Medical Board of California, please mail a completed application and a current curriculum vitae to the address provided below.

Osteopathic Medical Board of California
Consumer Protection Unit
1300 National Drive, Suite 150
Sacramento, CA 95834

Expert Reviewer Program

The Osteopathic Medical Board of California Expert Reviewer Program is an impartial and professional means by which to support the investigation and enforcement functions of the Board. Specifically, expert reviewers assist the Board by providing expert reviews and opinions on Board cases and conducting professional competency exams, physical exams and psychiatric exams.

Requirements for participating in the Board’s program are:

  1. Possess a current California medical license in good standing; no prior discipline; no Accusation pending; no complaint history within the last three years;
  2. Board certification in either one of the:
    • 29 AOA primary specialties and/or 77 subspecialties
    • 24 ABMS specialties (the American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, the American Board of Pain Medicine, the American Board of Sleep Medicine and the American Board of Spine Surgery are also recognized)
    With a minimum of three years of practice in the specialty area after obtaining Board certification;
  3. Have an active practice (defined as at least 80 hours a month in direct patient care, clinical activity, or teaching, at least 40 hours of which is in direct patient care); and
  4. Must be willing to testify.

Participating physicians and surgeons are reimbursed $150 per hour for conducting case reviews and oral competency exams, $200 an hour for providing expert testimony, and usual and customary fees for physical or psychiatric exams.

If you are interested in providing expert reviewer services to the Osteopathic Medical Board of California, please mail a completed application to the address provided below. Include a current curriculum vitae and a written statement telling the Board why you would like to participate in the program.

  • Expert Reviewer Original Application
  • Expert Renewal Application
  • Expert Reviewer Guidelines
  • Practice Area Definer Questionnaire

Osteopathic Medical Board of California
Consumer Protection Unit
1300 National Drive, Suite 150
Sacramento, CA 95834