Complaint Process-Information for Licensees

Details regarding a complaint and investigation are not available to the public unless an Accusation or petition to revoke probation is filed.

The Board’s complaint process is thoughtful, deliberate, and aligned with the Board’s mission. The process has two basic goals: to determine whether or not the allegations contained in a complaint are within the Board’s jurisdiction, as defined by the Osteopathic Act and the Medical Practice Act (MPA), and, if they are jurisdictional, to determine whether or not the issues raised by the complaint indicate that further investigation is required.

  • A physician should not panic when he or she receives a letter from the Board. The Board gathers evidence to determine whether or not a violation has occurred, and the intent is to do this in an objective, fact-based approach.
  • When a physician is contacted by the Board, he or she should respond within the requested time frame.
  • When a physician is requested to do so, he or she should provide as much information as possible regarding the incident. This may result in a more timely resolution of the matter.
  • A physician should know that the Board must look into every complaint that is received and be aware that the Board is contacting the physician to obtain their details on the complaint in order to obtain all evidence.
  • Honesty is the best approach. If a physician is completing forms for the Board, he or she should ensure all information on the forms are accurate and complete.

From the newsletter "Do Not Panic!"